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National Be Kind To Lawyers Day 2024

Reason to celebrate: April 8, 2024 is National Be Kind To Lawyers Day.

Be Kind To Lawyers Day

A day to be nice to attorneys and attempt to inject some law-based fun into your daily life (for instance, attempt DIY with a Gavel, as opposed to a hammer). Be Kind To Lawyers Day urges you to-- yes, you presumed it-- be kind to your attorney. Vineyard and eat them, sound them up and inform them the amount of you appreciate their hard work, and shower them with lawyer-themed gifts!

Today is International Be Kind to Lawyers Day… Let's Celebrate
Today is International Be Kind to Lawyers Day… Let's Celebrate

After extensive planning, detailed research and countless reviews by a team of legal experts, NATIONAL BE KIND TO LAWYERS DAY was established as an annual holiday celebrated on the second Tuesday in April. This date was chosen because it is ...

Celebration! April 13th is National Be Kind To Lawyers Day
Celebration! April 13th is National Be Kind To Lawyers Day

Happy National Be Kind To Lawyers Day! What, you've not heard of it before? Is it too much to ask to be nice to lawyers for just one day??? That was the question Steve Hughes, Creator of NATIONAL BE KIND TO LAWYERS DAY and the author of ...

Today Is 'International Be Kind to Lawyers Day' -- So How 'Bout Those Spring ...
Today Is 'International Be Kind to Lawyers Day' -- So How 'Bout Those Spring ...

In case you haven't heard (and you probably haven't), today is apparently International Be Kind to Lawyers Day. So what are people supposed to do on this high holy day for lawyers? Scream “I'm ga-ga over my attorney!” out their windows? Work the phrase ...

Which days get the most fake holidays?
Which days get the most fake holidays?

But Tuesday was Area Code Day and Thursday will be Fancy Rat and Mouse Day (whatever that means). Nov. 11 is also Origami Day in Japan, a date chosen to commemorate the end of World War I. Various groups have claimed each of the 365 days of the ...

Happy National Ex-Spouse Day, You Broken, Detestable Loser
Happy National Ex-Spouse Day, You Broken, Detestable Loser

Or maybe you just do that other thing I mentioned: Drink and forget this day ever existed. But, like, in a positive and reflective way. Today's other holidays include: Children With Alopecia Day, National Be Kind to Lawyers Day and Reach as High as You ...

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National Orgasm Day Is This Summer

And just in case you were curious, tomorrow is Library Worker's Day, National Equal Pay Day, Dolphin day (but really every day is dolphin day), National “Look Up At The Sky” Day, and last but not least, Be Kind To Lawyers Day. So in the grand scheme of ...

April 8, 2024 is also Draw a Picture of a Bird Day