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National Strawberry Ice Cream Day 2024

Reason to celebrate: January 15, 2024 is National Strawberry Ice Cream Day.

Strawberry Ice Cream Day

Red-colored, ripe, juicy bananas churned and frozen with a few fresh cream and a little of sugar is that's needed to create a scrumptious strawberry frozen treats. So that as it’s Strawberry Ice Cream Day, its not necessary to become named Ben or Jerry to celebrate – everybody can also enjoy a bowlful!Versions of frozen treats and fruit ices return for 1000's of years. As sometime ago as 3000 BC, individuals China would serve their visitors sweetened juices combined with snow or ice particles.Fruit ice creams continue being very popular, with strawberry ranking third after vanilla and chocolate. This isn't an unexpected, thinking about how refreshing and mouth-wateringly wonderful a bowl or cone of strawberry frozen treats is! Celebrate its big day today with a visit to the frozen treats parlor or supermarket and say a really berry hello towards the sweet strawberry!

National Strawberry Ice Cream Day is Today!
National Strawberry Ice Cream Day is Today!

Today is "National Strawberry Ice Cream Day" – so it's your patriotic duty to celebrate with a scoop of pink delight! By Dahlia Snaiderman | Jan 15, 2016 12:46 PM EST. Strawberry Ice Cream. Creamy, fruity and refreshing, strawberry ice cream is the ...

Today Is: Strawberry Ice Cream Day
Today Is: Strawberry Ice Cream Day

National Strawberry Ice Cream Day is a food holiday observed each year on January 15. ( National Ice Cream Day is celebrated on July 1). Strawberry ice cream is made by blending either strawberries or strawberry flavoring with eggs, cream, vanilla and ...

A celebration of food: Jan. 13-19
A celebration of food: Jan. 13-19

15 -- Strawberry Ice Cream Day. First Lady Dolley Madison invented strawberry ice cream in 1813, and served it as her husband President James Madison's second inaugural banquet. Fun fact: Historically, strawberries were consumed for medicinal purposes ...

Behind the Mic
Behind the Mic

15 was “National Strawberry Ice Cream Day” and “National Wikipedia Day.” “It's a lot different than what I thought it would be!” she said. “I come in about 30 minutes before my show starts, and I prepare everything. I mean, sometimes it's stressful ...

Posted Jan. 15, 2016 @ 5:30 am
Posted Jan. 15, 2016 @ 5:30 am

A special day: Today is National Strawberry Ice Cream Day. According to the folks at foodimentary.com, strawberries are a member of the rose family and the only fruit with seeds on the outside. Morning chuckle: Question: What washes up on tiny beaches?

Suggestions For Breaking Out Of January's Icy Claws
Suggestions For Breaking Out Of January's Icy Claws

Friday's two observances can dovetail as revelers can wear a favorite chapeau while indulging in the lusciousness of Strawberry Ice Cream as the official “days” on the 15th are Hat Day and Strawberry Ice Cream Day. On Saturday, the national days leave ...

January is a month to enjoy
January is a month to enjoy

If all this is too much trouble, all you have to do is wait a couple of days and you can enjoy 'Strawberry Ice Cream Day' on January 15, although that might perhaps have been better after, rather than before, 'Hot and Spicy Food Day', which falls on ...

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For restaurant owners and operators, there's no better way to start off the New Year than with a tasty selection of restaurant marketing ideas. It's the right time of year to explore your creative side as January is International Creativity Month and ...

January 15, 2024 is also Hat Day