National Blah Blah Blah Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: April 17, 2024 is National Blah Blah Blah Day.
It sometimes appears as though everybody is really a critic. Are you currently frustrated together with your nearest and dearest recommending you slim down, quit smoking or fresh paint that ceiling? Or, even when nobody is bothering you, are you currently very conscious that you’re postponing until tomorrow stuff that must have been done yesterday?If these questions strike home, then Blah Blah Blah Day may be the chance to prevent waiting and get a handle on all individuals delayed projects and damaged promises at this time!This unusual holiday was produced by Wellcat, a holidays and herbal treatments company. It's celebrated all over the world – if celebrate may be the right word with this particular day. The easiest method to measure the level is as simple as digging out and dusting off individuals forgotten New Year’s resolutions and making another begin them, prior to the blahs and also the blues strike once again.
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... SPSO); Calgary at Vancouver (10 p.m., CBC, CNBC, TVA). This is also International Blah Blah Blah Day, a dangerous demi-holiday in which people are supposed to accomplish all the tasks they've put off since January. I plan to take the day off and ...
Restaurant Marketing Ideas for April
Restaurant owners and operators are always on the lookout for special events they can use in their online and offline marketing efforts. Tax Day, for example, has become an annual favorite as restaurants across the nation step up to offer tax weary ...
Anyone Can Make Up Their Own Weird Or Random Holiday
The media has been quick to point out that today is International Coffee Day, an informal holiday recognized by coffee sellers in the U.S., Canada, South Africa, Malaysia, Hungary, Ethiopia and a handful of other countries. Internatioanl Coffee Day is ...
Feeling Silly? April Fools Isn't The Only Day On The Calendar For Going Nutty
Did you know that today is National Prevarication Day? Traditionally on April 1, people from around the world gather in Agloe, New York , to tell tales about fish that they nearly caught and checks that are in the hands of the United States Postal ...
To Mark This Day on the Calendar, Use a Pen From Your Pocket Protector
They are veterans in the holiday business, having invented dozens, including “Humbug Day,” “Panic Day,” “Blah Blah Blah Day” and “Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day.” As for “Be a Dork Day,” the Roys' Web site explained, “This is the day to be a dork ...
7 Quick Takes Friday (in which I blog, or blah blah blah)
I thought that you might enjoy the fact that April 17 is "Nation Blah, Blah, Blah Day" (and no that is not an April Fools' joke). When I saw that it made me think of this blog post. Have a great day! Reply. Cancel Reply. Rita April 01, 2014 at 10:42 AM ...
April 17, 2024 is also Haiku Poetry Day, Poem in Your Pocket Day, Bat Appreciation Day, Nothing Like A Dame Day, Ford Mustang Day