National Don't Step On A Bee Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: July 10, 2024 is National Don't Step On A Bee Day.
Don’t Board A Bee Day is a vital indication the fate from the common bee is based on the total amount – with bee amounts in certain nations getting cut in half within the last decade without any apparent cause, it’s vital that people be certain to maintain bee populations, pollination and honey production.
7 ways to protect our honey bees
In support of National Don't Step On A Bee Day, here are a few ways to help encourage the honeybees in your garden to thrive… 1) Avoid chemically treating your flowers as the chemicals will transfer onto the pollen and affect the bees. This is because ...
If You Think Talk Like A Pirate Day Is The Silliest Day Of The Year, Think Again
In July alone there is Don't Step on a Bee Day, Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day, Cow Appreciation Day and - hear ye, hear ye - Town Crier Day. Other jolly July celebrations are strangely in conflict with each other. July 3 is Stay Out of the Sun Day, ...
Cheers and Jeers: Monday
Today is Don't Step on a Bee Day. Also known as the most popular holiday among bees. Cheers and Jeers starts below the fold... [Swoosh!!] RIGHTNOW! [Gong!!] Cheers and Jeers for Monday, July 6, 2015. Note: Now that the July 4th holiday is over, it's ...
Bee Facts: Interesting Tidbits About The Buzzers, And How You Can Save Them ...
From Vetstreet's Lisa Granshaw: There are a lot of misconceptions about bees, from the belief that they sting at the slightest provocation to the perception that they are all black and yellow. Don't Step on a Bee Day, celebrated every year on July 10 ...
Monday Medley: Naked truth
But wherever you go, don't forget this: Thursday is also Don't Step on a Bee Day. So wear shoes, just in case. bill of goods. Comedian/actor Bill Cosby turns 76 on Saturday. In honor of the funny everyman, here are some sage observations from The Cos:.
July 10, 2024 is also Teddy Bear Picnic Day