National Face Your Fears Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: October 14, 2024 is National Face Your Fears Day.
Take the time to think about what your existence may be like should you mastered a number of your finest fears. How would you react in a different way? Face Your Fears Day provides you with the opportunity to endure your fears, overcome them, and also to seize your day.
Face Your Fears Day 2015 is today: What are you afraid of?
Here, apparently, is the origin of Face Your Fears Day, according to "This holiday was created by Steve Hughes, the creator of the Hit Your Stride website. A reference to this holiday and it's founding are mentioned in an October 4th ...
FACE YOUR FEARS DAY: How to confront what scares you
Or would you rather just pretend it doesn't exist in the hope it will go away? The human species can fall prey to a range of fears, from fear of the dark to fear of dentistry. Today is the day to stand up to it. But the best way not to handle any fear ...
Today's 'Face Your Fears Day'! How will you face it?
Stop biting your nails and looking over your shoulder. It's time to look fear in the eye like so many people would. After all today is International Face Your Fears Day. People are afraid of everything from heights, clowns, snakes to sleep and even touch.
Face your fears on Tuesday
(PRNewsFoto/U.S. Parachute Association, C. Lambert). ST. LOUIS, Mo. ( – October 13 is dedicated to helping people overcome what scares them the most. On “National Face Your Fears Day” people are encouraged to confront their biggest fears.
13 weird phobias to squash in Bermuda
Facing your fears is a paddle of wills on Bermuda's high seas. Photo: Bermuda Tourism Authority. Are you a serial wuss — as in, you name it, you're scared of it? Well, happy National Face Your Fears Day (unless you're a heortophobe — someone scared ...
Gary Brown: It's time to stand up and face your fears
Today — the second Tuesday of October — is National Face Your Fears Day. Just telling you that relieves me a little of one of a writer's biggest fears — times when there are no words on a page and not a single topic in the mind to talk about. Fears ...
Are You Afraid Of The Dark?
As today is 'Face Your Fears Day', we took to the streets of Dublin and asked the public what keeps them up at night. We got the usual responses like the dark and spiders but we also got some strange ones, like sock puppets. Today FM Image. On the team ...
October 14, 2024 is also Be Bald And Free Day