National Gunpowder Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: November 5, 2024 is National Gunpowder Day.
Remember, remember! The 5th of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot…Referred to as Guy Fawkes Evening or Fireworks Evening, Gunpowder Day concentrates on the plot by Guy Fawkes along with other conspirators to inflate Britain’s parliament in 1605. Rebelling from the persecution of Catholics by King James I, they planned to get rid of the monarch throughout his trip to parliament. However the plan was foiled and also the traitors performed.On Gunpowder Day, families construct an effigy of Guy Fawkes to become burned on the bonfire your evening. Fireworks will also be trigger to increase the festivities. Public shows will also be held and also the greatest celebration of Gunpowder Day is within Lewes in East Sussex, England. Six bonfire communities host their very own fireworks shows and gargantuan bonfires. After sunset, a sizable procession of all the communities moves through Lewes. Many people carry flame torches along with a river of fireside is visible flowing with the town throughout the night.
Happy Salem Gunpowder Day!
In nine weeks, America will once more celebrate Patriot's Day, in honor of the battles of Lexington and Concord. Even in states that don't make an official holiday of it, children learn that the Revolutionary War began on that 1775 morning with the ...
John Donne's 1622 gunpowder sermon recreated
The official site explains more, "This website allows us to explore the northeast corner of Paul's Churchyard, outside St Paul's Cathedral, in London, on November 5th, 1622, and to hear John Donne's sermon for Gunpowder Day, all two hours of it, in the ...
Relive John Donne's 17th-century sermons in virtual reality project
Literature and architecture researchers at North Carolina State university created a script and built an acoustic model to simulate the way Donne's 1622 Gunpowder Day sermon would have sounded from different vantage points within St Paul's courtyard.
Close call after Navy apparently fires on fishing boat during Ex Good Hope
Three heavy-calibre rounds, fired in quick succession, landed less than 15 metres in front of them. “My ears were ringing, my legs were shacking, I could smell the gunpowder,” Day said as his crewmembers began shouting at him, “there was pandemonium.”
The Week in Ideas 2/17
Happy Salem gunpowder day!: Peter Charles Hoffer on the real day the American Revolution began. We think of the war for American independence as beginning with the battles of Lexington and Concord (now commemorated each April as Patriot's Day).
November 5, 2024 is also Stress Awareness Day