National Hug A Plumber Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: April 25, 2024 is National Hug A Plumber Day.
The majority of us take plumbing as a given – flowing water, warm water when needed, and also the complex systems of piping that keep things ticking over for all of us without anyone's knowledge are simple to be done with it. Hug A Plumber Day encourages us to recognize the resourcefulness, effort and abilities of local plumbers everywhere – because you never know when you’ll spring a leak.
Lincolnshire contest encourages you to hug a plumber
He found Hug-A-Plumber Day on April 25, and envisioned a new campaign. Thus, the possibility that the plumber you hire next might take off his gloves, whip out a camera and a Glentronics pump, and ask you to come on over here. Should you receive this ...
Duluth Trading Commercial: How to Hug a Plumber
Follow these step-by-step instructions on Plumber's Day (April 25th), or any other day! C'mon, hug a plumber! Shop Longtail T® Shirts: Category. Comedy. License. Standard YouTube License. Show more. Show less.
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National Ex Spouse Day and National Wife Appreciation Day. National Two Different Colored Shoes Day and National Lost Sock Memorial Day. National Hug a Plumber Day and National Shower with a Friend Day. National Eat Your Beans Day and National ...
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Rodeo Clown to Entertain in Abilene
Anything is game for Merritt to use: he'll turn “national hug a plumber day,” into a skit, and find material that anyone in the crowd, ages eight to eighty, can relate to. “I like to stay in the arena and be a part of the rodeo” he said. “My job is to ...
The Gargoyle: Polls, plumbers and non-musical ministers
From left, Green Party leader Elizabeth May in conversation with Toronto Star journalist and Shaughnessy Cohen Prize finalist Chantal Hébert at the Politics and the Pen dinner held at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier on Wednesday, March 11, 2015. Caroline ...
April 25, 2024 is also DNA Day, Hairball Awareness Day, Malaria Day