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National Morse Code Day 2024

Reason to celebrate: April 27, 2024 is National Morse Code Day.

Morse Code Day

Morse Code Day remember the birth from the inventor from the Morse Code – Samuel Morse in 1791.

Fort Huachuca bids farewell to Morse code training
Fort Huachuca bids farewell to Morse code training

National Morse Code Day is celebrated on what would have been its founder's 224th birthday. Samuel F. B. Morse dispatched the first telegraph message in Morse code, May 24, 1844. The message, "What Hath God Wrought?" was dispatched from the U.S. ...

Ford celebrates Morse Code Day with F-Series Super Duty strobe kits
Ford celebrates Morse Code Day with F-Series Super Duty strobe kits

Ford is celebrating Morse Code Day by introducing new LED strobe kits for F-Series Super Duty pickups. The factory-installed warning lights are geared for utility, road-construction or municipal crews, eliminating the need for customers to hire third ...

Ford F-Series Super Duty Strobe Lights Wish You a Happy Morse Code Day
Ford F-Series Super Duty Strobe Lights Wish You a Happy Morse Code Day

Ford is celebrating the birthday of Samuel Morse with a new YouTube video featuring a 2016 F-Series Super Duty flashing a secret message via some amber strobe lights. Compare The Jaguar XJ®. Find A Retailer. Samuel Morse, born on this day in 1791, ...

If You Think Talk Like A Pirate Day Is The Silliest Day Of The Year, Think Again
If You Think Talk Like A Pirate Day Is The Silliest Day Of The Year, Think Again

February, March and April include Proof Reeding Day, (well spotted), Weed Appreciation Day, (no, not that kind of weed, though it might explain the previous spelling mistake), Morse Code Day (which falls on --/--/--) Hedgehog Day, Read in the Bathtub ...

Monday April 27, 2015
Monday April 27, 2015

Tides; High:6:34am/8:11pm; Low:1:16am/1:15pm; Rainfall: This Year to Date:18.44; Last Year:12.62; Avg YTD:22.84; Annual Avg:23.80; Holidays; Matanzas Mule Day; Morse Code Day; National Prime Rib Day; National Tell A Story Day; Babe Ruth Day ...

17 offbeat holidays you can celebrate in April
17 offbeat holidays you can celebrate in April

Contrary to what you may think, this holiday is unrelated to any persons by the name of Charles or Charlie. It's actually a day to reflect upon the rejections you have experienced in life and realize the world kept spinning despite them. Sorry Charlie ...

May 24, 2013
May 24, 2013

... Commonwealth Day - Belize; Day of Slavonic Script (Education Day) - Bulgaria; Liberation Day - Eritrea (1993); Sts. Cyrilus and Methodius Day – Macedonia; Brother's Day; Don't Fry Day; Heat Awareness Day; International Tiara Day; Morse Code Day ...

April 27, 2024 is also Pinhole Photography Day