National Pancake Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: March 4, 2024 is National Pancake Day.
Celebrate Pancake Day by, you presumed it, consuming pancakes! Keep it easy with flour, egg, milk and butter, or acquire unique and consider a pinch of salt, ice-water, vanilla and more! Sweet or savoury, pancakes are hugely versatile and complement everything from the conventional honey and lemon to additional unusual substances such as rhubarb or savoury mince-meat!
When is Pancake Day 2016? Everything you need to know about Shrove Tuesday
It's nearly time to get out your frying pans and test your pancake-flipping skills as Pancake Day is only three weeks away. Known as Shrove Tuesday, the food holiday allows you to be creative by coming up with all sorts of concoctions to top your pancakes.
When is Pancake Day 2016 and why do we celebrate it?
Pancake Day has been celebrated by Britons for centuries. Known also as Shrove Tuesday, its exact date, rather confusingly, changes every year, because it is determined by when Easter falls. But it is always the day preceding Ash Wednesday (the first ...
Flippin 'eck - when is pancake day 2016?
Did you hear about the angry pancake? He just flipped. But enough of the predictable jokes - pancake day is just around the corner and will see many people across the UK baking. The official date can vary each year, as it depends on when Easter falls.
When is Pancake Day in 2016? Why does Pancake Day change each year?
It's almost time to put your pancake-flipping skills into action because Pancake Day is just around the corner. Known as Shrove Tuesday, whether you're opting for trusty lemon and sugar or perhaps plumping for Nutella and banana, the foodie event is ...
When is Pancake Day 2016? All you need to know about Shrove Tuesday
Whether you enjoy on their own or with a ridiculous amount of creative toppings, Pancake Day tends to get the majority of people pretty giddy. Also known, as Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day will tall on Tuesday, February 9.
When is Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday 2016?
Shrove Tuesday, otherwise known as Pancake Day, is a favourite day of the year for those with a sweet tooth, as they get to consume their bodyweight in battery goodness. This year, it falls on Tuesday, February 9. Check out our recipes, including ...
March 4, 2024 is also International Scrapbooking Industry Day, Poundcake Day, Unique Names Day, Grammar Day