National V-J Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: September 2, 2024 is National V-J Day.
Following a atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Emperor Hirohito introduced Japan’s acceptance towards the Potsdam Declaration and surrendered on 15th August 1945, effectively marking the finish of The Second World War. However, the state surrender ceremony didn't occur until over two days later, and therefore Leader Truman marked second September because the official V-J Day.It's believed that between sixty to eighty million people died throughout The Second World War, on every side of the conflict. V-J Day ought to be viewed as not just the celebration from the defeat from the tyrannical Japanese government of times, but the remembrance of individuals who lost their lives.
Message to the World: Lincolnton man played role in VJ Day surrender
It is with a feeling of awe and respect that we the descendants of these fighting men of World War II remember with honor our fathers and grandfathers who gave so much to ensure that we would have peace and hope in our world today. Through their ...
Flashback: Alfred Eisenstaedt iconic VJ Day image among LIFE magazine prints ...
German-American photographer and photojournalist Alfred Eisenstaedt poses at the opening on May 5, 1986 of an exhibition of his famous pictures taken for “Life” magazine at the Kultur Kontor der Hamburger Hanse Vier, in Hamburg, Germany, with one of ...
Burt Reynolds: my family values
During the second world war, Dad was a lieutenant in the field artillery and earned a chestful of medals for his role in the Normandy invasion and the Battle of the Bulge. He never talked about it. After VJ Day, he stayed in the army for three more ...
Valentine's Day 'kissing booths' come to New York's Times Square
One of the most iconic photos ever taken in New York is The Kiss, capturing the moment a sailor kisses a nurse in Times Square during the V-J Day celebrations on August 14, 1945. A jubilant American sailor clutching a white-uniformed nurse in a ...
Farewell to air gunner Bill: One of Teesside's D-Day heroes dies at the age of 93
Former RAF Warrant Officer William Caster of Eston could boast a chestful of medals - some rarely awarded - for his magnificent wartime service. But even after he returned to civvy street, he continued to do his fellow servicemen and women proud by ...
WWII letter finds way home to Pequannock 70 years later
Carolyn DePodwin's letter to her fiancé Horace just before V-J Day. It was recently discovered in a book binding in Australia. The letter Carolyn DePodwin wrote to her husband-to-be in 1945 has been around the world at least twice in the past 70 years.
Watch highlights: VJ Day 70th anniversary commemorations
Watch highlights: VJ Day 70th anniversary commemorations. Watch how the day of commemorations in London unfolded as the Queen and David Cameron marked the 70th anniversary of VJ Day ...