National World Oceans Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: June 8, 2024 is National World Oceans Day.
Oceans Day is really a yearly event to celebrate and honor the physiques water that come along all. The oceans generate the majority of the oxygen we breathe, they regulate our climate, plus they feed us.But the good thing is, we still know hardly any about the subject under 10% continues to be investigated, and researchers believe over 9 million species are not yet been discovered within the dark blue depths!So whether you opt for a dip, surf, scuba-dive or participate in with one of the numerous occasions organised in over 45 nations worldwide, let’s celebrate and honor our oceans, and encourage more youthful decades to find yourself in their conservation.
Looming nightmare: More plastics than fish in world's oceans likely by 2050
Volunteers collect garbage along the shore off Manila Bay, during an environmental project marking World Oceans Day in Manila in this June 8, 2013 file photo. The Earth is facing a deep problem in its oceans, which cover some 75 percent of our planet's ...
Hokulea continues voyage to Brazil
She is scheduled to arrive in New York City by June 8, 2016, for World Oceans Day. Since departing Hawaiian waters in May 2014, Hokulea has sailed about 45,000 miles and made stops in 11 countries and 46 ports. Along the way, more than 160 volunteer ...
Check Out Every Single One Of The U.N.'s Special Days
8 June. World Oceans Day. 12 June. World Day Against Child Labour. 13 June. International Albinism Awareness Day. 14 June. World Blood Donor Day. 15 June. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. 17 June. World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought ...
United Nations countries honor World Oceans Day
Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1978 and situated in the Pacific Ocean some 1,000 km from the South American continent, these 19 islands and the surrounding marine reserve are referred to as a unique 'living museum and showcase of ...
The Real Story of World Oceans Day Lies Below the Surface
Today, on World Oceans Day, let's contemplate the state of our seas. Picture yourself perched on your favorite coastal bluff, surveying an endless expanse of blue-green water that stretches beyond the horizon and around the world, covering about ...
Celebrating New York's Seascape on World Oceans Day
June 8 is the United Nations-designated World Oceans Day. It's a day to contemplate just how vital our marine environment is to the biodiversity on planet Earth. Nowhere is that truer than in the local seascape of New York, where the abundance and ...
National Aquarium Celebrates World Oceans Day
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — What started as an idea 22 years ago by Canadian scientists has grown into a worldwide movement. Now, Mike Schuh takes us to the National Aquarium, one of the organizations using World Oceans Day to bring about change.
Celebrating World Oceans Day
June 8th marks World Oceans Day – a dedicated spot on the calendar to stop and think about how awesome the ocean is! As a boater and someone who is lucky enough to see the ocean almost every day, I want encourage fellow boaters to take care of the ...
June 8, 2024 is also Upsy Daisy Day