National World Smile Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: October 3, 2024 is National World Smile Day.
The initial ‘smiley’ was produced by commercial artist Harvey Ball in 1963. Worried about the commercialisation from the rapidly legendary graphic, Harvey established Smile Day, which inspires you to definitely take part in functions of kindness and friendliness, and also to smile making others smile.
5 Quick Ways to Celebrate World Smile Day
World Smile Day was started by Harvey Ball, the creator of the smiley face logo, in 1963. He believed that everyone should devote one day a year to smiles and acts of compassion throughout the world. Sounds pretty good to us. Now his logo is in every ...
The Soldier Behind World Smile Day
The Smiley Face knows no politics, no geography and no religion and Harvey wanted to make that clear. So he declared that the first Friday in October each year would become World Smile Day with the slogan "Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile.".
When is National Silly Holiday Day?
We like to start off the new year with a new calendar, especially one featuring baby animal photos. But store-bought calendars have a serious flaw: not enough holidays. Usually, only two or three are highlighted for each month. There are many more ...
Corner Bakery Cafe Celebrates World Smile Day with Smiley Face Mug Giveaway
The origin of World Smile Day traces back to 1963 when commercial artist Harvey Ball created the smiley face, one of the most iconic symbols of happiness and goodwill. Ball thought everyone should devote one day each year to smiles and acts of kindness ...
Make it a holiday
30): People say, “there's no such thing as a stupid question.” If you don't believe that, have no fear about asking anything today. World Smile Day (Oct. 2): Harvey Ball, the creator of the familiar smiley face, started this day in 1999 to remind ...
World Smile Day: What Happened When I Dedicated My Morning Commute to Smiling ...
He came up with the idea of World Smile Day to devote one day a year to smiles and kind acts. Make one person smile, that's all he wanted. Inspired by Mr Ball and that woman who smiled at me on the Tube on a weekday morning, I decided to try it. I ...
October 3, 2024 is also Virus Appreciation Day