National World Thinking Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: February 22, 2024 is National World Thinking Day.
Thinking Day came from from the desire by Girl Guides / Girl Scouts to dedicate each day to considering and appreciating the worldwide spread of those actions. Every year a taking part country is chosen and it is culture and general living conditions considered on during the day by all guides and scouts. The concept is to produce a greater awareness and knowledge of different cultures and then any global concerns regarding that specific region. It may sound similar to individuals endless, global conferences attended at great cost by political figures, which rarely show results. The Lady Guides and Scouts Associations, however, do things in a different way.A 1p donation is asked for from each member meant for projects that aid Girl Guides / Girl Scouts from member nations in need of assistance. Political figures should possibly dedicate eventually yearly to taking into consideration the simple plans as formatted through the caring and uncluttered minds from the world’s youth.
Girl Scout troop honors Ukraine at World Thinking Day
Every year, girl scouts come together to celebrate World Thinking Day – the day they think about and honor sister Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in other countries. Girl Scouts U.S.A. is part of a global community – one of nearly 150 countries with Girl ...
EP Girl Scouts celebrate World Thinking Day
Eden Prairie's Girl Scouts recently celebrated World Thinking Day, an event intended to celebrate and recognize girls around the world while raising awareness of other countries. The Eden Prairie event took place April 10 at St. Andrew Lutheran Church.
Eden Prairie Girl Scouts celebrate World Thinking Day
Connie Iacovelli of the Eden Prairie Human Rights and Diversity Commission helped girls make paper hearts out of world maps at the recent Girl Scout World Thinking Day. (Submitted photo courtesy of Joanna Takes). Each troop attending created an ...
Girl Scouts worldwide come together for World Thinking Day
This February 22nd, millions of Girl Scouts around the world will celebrate World Thinking Day, an annual tradition to participate in activities with global themes and honor sister Girl Scouts in other countries. Since 1926, Girl Scouts have utilized ...
Glenview Girl Scouts celebrate World Thinking Day
More than 250 Glenview Girl Scouts participated in a World Thinking Day event at Glen Grove School on March 15. The older troops in attendance set up booths representing 18 various counties and the younger troops visited the countries, getting their ...
I'm Doing Wet January This Year
Here are just a few coming up in the next few months - National Doodle Day, National Old Stuff Day, World Thinking Day (I might give that one a go), Winnie The Pooh Day (obviously) and my personal favourite Squirrel Appreciation Day. Yes, that is ...
February 22, 2024 is also Margarita Day, Sword Swallowers Day, Banana Bread Day, Open That Bottle Night, Walking the Dog Day