National Cherry Pie Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: February 20, 2024 is National Cherry Pie Day.
Whenever we think about cake the majority of us think about an Apple Cake, however the sweet-tart Cherry Cake warrants a location right alongside it brother around the dessert tray. You do too much like your cake sharp and tart or would you should you prefer a more sweet and smooth cake? The modern the very best day to possess one.
Restaurant Marketing Ideas for February
There's a lot to love about marketing your restaurant in February. Valentine's Day and Super Bowl Sunday are always two important days for restaurants, but February is also Cherry Month, Heart Month and Hot Breakfast Month. And it doesn't end there.
Breakfast buffet: National cherry pie day
While you're frying up some eggs and bacon, we're cooking up something else: a way to celebrate today's food holiday. Such a sweet surprise - February 20 is National Cherry Pie Day! As if you already didn't have enough reason to celebrate cherries out ...
Dine Around Seattle, Cherry Pie at Lost Lake Café, Euro Pub comes to Cap Hill
Incredibly, someone has proclaimed today as National Cherry Pie Day and you can celebrate it with a Manhattan or a Caffe Vita brew at Lost Lake Café on Capitol Hill. Six bucks gets you pie ala mode with a 'damned fine cup o' coffee'. Perhaps you'll ...
Perfect time for pie: bakers ready for pie season
23. For both holidays, you can eat any pie you want. For more of a challenge, here are some specific pies and the day and month dedicated to their celebration and consumption. • Jan. 23: National Rhubarb Pie Day. • Feb .20: National Cherry Pie Day. • Mar.
Cherry Pie in Broward/Palm Beach (Sunday is Cherry Pie Day)
I believe it was Nostradamus who predicted that 2011 would be The Year of Pie. Following that logic, it stands to reason that Cherry Pie Day, otherwise known as Sunday, Feb. 20, should be a celebration to end all superfluous food holiday festivities ...
$2 Margaritas on the Menu This Weekend for National Margarita Day
Plenty of fake holidays concocted by marketers come and go without much fanfare. February 20, for instance, is supposedly “celebrated” as National Cherry Pie Day and National Love Your Pet Day. But something tells us that people who ate cherry pie on ...
7 ways to celebrate World Pangolin Day
Friday, for example, was simultaneously Love Your Pet Day, Cherry Pie Day and Handcuff Day (apparently celebrating the 1912 patenting of the "de facto restraint of law enforcement agencies worldwide"), according to, a website I'm ...
February 20, 2024 is also Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day, Love Your Pet Day