National International Marconi Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: April 23, 2024 is National International Marconi Day.
Amateur radios, point-to-point contacts, high-frequency wave transfers, a mysterious yet attractive prize which are more connected stations… All this seems like the start of a cool yet adorable B-movie. The truth is, it's the essence of International Marconi Day, a 24-hour amateur radio event which remembers the job of Italian wireless communications pioneer Guglielmo Marconi. The big event happens yearly around the Saturday nearest to his birthday (April 25, 1874).To commemorate the Nobel laureate’s accomplishments, fans use HF radio to create direct point-to-point contact between stations, depending on a single technology Marconi developed and found in his time. Although nowadays the web may be the medium of preference for global communications, the concept behind International Marconi Day would be to keep your spirit of invention alive. The big event offers a thrilling throwback towards the days whenever a connected the world was but a bold dream and just a couple of exceptional people, for example Marconi, saw the worth inside it.
International Marconi Day at Sandford Mill
International Marconi Day at Sandford Mill. The extensive collection of historic radio exhibits at the Sandford Mill Museum in Chelmsford will be open to the public on Saturday, April 25. Chelmsford's former waterworks at Sandford Mill is primarily a ...
Sandford Mill celebrate the inventor of radio at Marconi Day
Sandford Mill Science Education Centre in Chelmsford celebrates International Marconi Day (IMD) with a fun-filled event on Saturday 25 April. Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor and electrical engineer, known for his pioneering work on long ...
Norfolk radio club cutting a dash to celebrate International Marconi Day in ...
Members of the Norfolk Amateur Radio Club (NARC) are running a special event station at the village's lifeboat centre today as part of the International Marconi Day. They are attempting to contact as many fellow hams across the globe as possible ...
Caister Marconi radio station contacts 36 countries
Radio hams at the Caister Lifeboat Visitor Centre in Norfolk managed to contact 236 other radio amateurs in 36 different countries on Saturday 25 April when they took part in the annual International Marconi Day to mark the inventor's birthday. Using ...
Ventottesima edizione Marconi Day A Golfo Aranci domani si celebra il grande scienziato
OLBIA. Il 25 aprile i Radioamatori della Sezione A.R.I. di Olbia anche quest'anno saranno presenti all'International Marconi Day (in breve IMD). Si svolgerà la 28^ edizione, attivando dalla zona dell'ex semaforo Capo Figari in Golfo Aranci, la stazione ...
Marconi equipment appeal
As a member of the Dover Amateur Radio Club, we have for many years operated from the South Foreland Lighthouse on the White Cliffs of Dover (GB2SFL), during events such as International Marconi Day (this coming Saturday) and International ...
April 23, 2024 is also World Book Night, Administrative Professionals Day, Talk Like Shakespeare Day