National Quilting Day 2024
Reason to celebrate: March 15, 2024 is National Quilting Day.
In 1991, the nation's Quilting Association made the decision to produce a big day to celebrate and encourage enthusiasts of quilting and also to encourage others to consider this charming and addictive craft. Quilting Day was created, and it has been celebrated since by quilt and patchwork enthusiasts every spring.Quilting is essentially a kind of sewing where small bits of fabric are sewn together. It's been practised for 100s of years and it is connected using the pioneering culture of The United States many famous quilting block designs, for example ‘Log Cabin’, ‘Wild Geese’ and ‘Tree of Life’ were produced within this period.You can mark Quilting Day by joining a quilting group and finding out how to help make your own quilt- you will find numerous classes through the country which will train you different stitches and embellishing techniques. If you're already a skilled quilter then why don't you share your ex with generation x?
Quilting Day opportunities set
The National Quilting Association, Inc. began sponsoring National Quilting Day in 1991 with a resolution passed by members attending the 22nd annual meeting in Lincoln, Neb. National Quilting Day is celebrated the third Saturday of March. This year's ...
Marie Troyer's needlecraft hobby replaced by passion for quilting
Editor's note: Saturday, March 21, is National Quilting Day. The annual celebration of quilts, which began in 1992, is the third Saturday in March and includes a contest by the National Quilting Association that selects the top quilt design in the nation.
Hunterdon celebrates National Quilting Day 2013
FLEMINGTON — Saturday, March 16 was celebrated by local quilters and quilt guilds as National Quilting Day. Sponsored by the National Quilting Association since 1991, the day is a grassroots effort to unite quilters and quilt lovers everywhere, not ...
Group making quilts for orphanage
The teachers do planning and preparation for their students before quilting day. Students bring books, computers, and sit quietly learning while the adults quilt. “Quilting does not take anytime away from home schooling,” Trulock said. “We are still ...
Alassio ospita il VI “Quilting Day della Liguria”
Alassio. Tutto pronto ad Alassio per la VI edizione del Quilting Day della Liguria. Domani, l'ex Chiesa Anglicana di Via Adelasia n. 10, nella Città del Muretto, ospiterà l'iniziativa a livello regionale promossa da QuiltItalia, con il patrocinio del ...
Times Past: Sept. 30, 2015
Since early 1976, Thursday has been quilting day at Price Place Church, and occasional visitors come to spend a day or part of a day adding their stitches to that day's quilt. Print; ShareShare. Posted in Opinion, Times past on Thursday, October 1 ...
Quilts: a true piece of history
... Church of Tullahoma. Manchester Quilting Ladies Guild meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Main Street Church of Christ in Manchester. National Quilting Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in March, this year falling on March 21.
March 15, 2024 is also Brutus Day, Buzzards Day, Corn Dog Day, True Confessions Day