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National VCR Day 2024

Reason to celebrate: June 7, 2024 is National VCR Day.


Within this digital age, the number of people still own collections of VCR box teams of favourite Television shows, old favourites and films which are not available or just haven’t been bought on DVD? VCR day is devoted towards the humble video, and remembers the straightforward elegance of analogue recording and playback.

Early Each June, The Unofficial Holiday VCR Day is Observed
Early Each June, The Unofficial Holiday VCR Day is Observed

Every June, an unofficial holiday recognizes the way many of us used to watch movies and record things off TV—the VCR! It was a staple of home video for decades, a way to watch big-budget movies, or record programming off of television. There were ...

How Did Saturday Become National Kitchen Klutzes Of America Day?
How Did Saturday Become National Kitchen Klutzes Of America Day?

Among the days we have celebrated so far this month were, National Go Barefoot Day, National Bubba Day, National Old Maids Day, National Yo Yo Day, National VCR Day, National Upsy Daisy Day, and National Jerky Day. I don't know about you but I do ...

Xbox One Parity Clause Is 'Brutal', Dev Explains Why Their Game Is Not Coming ...
Xbox One Parity Clause Is 'Brutal', Dev Explains Why Their Game Is Not Coming ...

Microsoft has this policy wherein if indie developers want to release their games on the Xbox One, they would need to launch it alongside other platforms. If the developer has ever released the game on any other platform first, say the PS4, the game ...

Rewind set to launch Canada-wide on December 1st with a 60-day free preview
Rewind set to launch Canada-wide on December 1st with a 60-day free preview

Now that REWIND has arrived, it's time for our remaining VCRs to head to a permanent and environmentally-responsible resting place -- National REWIND Your VCR Day will take place on January 5, 2013 across Canada. REWIND will donate $25 for each ...

Be Sold On the Betamax VCR 35 Years Later
Be Sold On the Betamax VCR 35 Years Later

Pop quiz hot shot. Let's say your favorite television show (probably “The Twilight Zone) is on tonight, but you have to go walk the stupid dogs to the stupid park because your stupid mom, who has no appreciation for fine science fiction television ...

Zum Weltjogginghosentag ausnahmsweise mal gemütlich
Zum Weltjogginghosentag ausnahmsweise mal gemütlich

Sollten Sie es verpasst haben: Erst am Sonntag hätten wir den "Welttag des Schneemanns" feiern sollen, heute ist "Weltkuscheltag" und außerden haben wir in diesem noch so jungen Jahr auch schon den "Tag der Zimmerpflanze" hinter uns gebracht.

June 7, 2024 is also Drawing Day