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National World Farm Animals Day 2024

Reason to celebrate: October 2, 2024 is National World Farm Animals Day.

World Farm Animals Day

Farm creatures are cute, and in addition they play a huge role in society. Take a while to understand them this World Farm Animals Day. Produced in memory of Ghandi, who supported dealing with all living creatures based, World Farm Animals Day began to focus on poor people conditions experienced by a few farm creatures, and promote awareness with the hope something might be completed to enhance their lives.While World Farm Animals Day comes with an important, and sad, origin, meaning it had been produced to boost understanding of suffering, it may be celebrated diversely with children. Taking children for a trip to a farm is a terrific way to train them about farm creatures, and it is a high probability to instil inside them the content of dealing with creatures based. Another fantastic way to celebrate is as simple as giving for an animal protection charitable organisation of your liking.

World Farm Animals Day: Is The Urban Chicken Movement Right For You?
World Farm Animals Day: Is The Urban Chicken Movement Right For You?

Chickens and cows and goats Oh my! But life isn't always so fabulous down on the farm. It depends on the farm. World Farm Animals Day is bringing awareness to the differences between factory farms and neighboring farms. Here are some backyard chicken ...

Celebrating World Farm Animal Day with YOUR amazing pics
Celebrating World Farm Animal Day with YOUR amazing pics

Thursday, October 2, 2014, 8:22 AM - Thursday, October 2 marks World Farm Animal Day, a time to celebrate our cute, furry friends and to recognize the important role they play in society. "Take some time to appreciate them this World Farm Animals Day," ...

Farmer John Targeted by World Farm Animals Day Protest
Farmer John Targeted by World Farm Animals Day Protest

Over 100 animal-rights activist protested outside the Farmer Johns chicken procession facility in Vernon Saturday to commemorate World Day for Farm Animals (pictured), officially observed on Oct.2. Saturday's peaceful protest did not require any action ...

Happy World Vegetarian Day!
Happy World Vegetarian Day!

World Vegetarian Day is observed annually on October 1 to raise awareness of the ethical, environmental, health and humanitarian benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle. Established by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977 and endorsed by the ...

Where to celebrate October Food Holidays in NYC
Where to celebrate October Food Holidays in NYC

In addition to National Pasta Month, celebrate kale, noodles, chocolate and plenty of tasty, questionably healthy eats for 31 days this month. Just save room for candy corn. October 1: World Vegetarian Day. Skip the meat today! Visit the revamped Dirty ...

World Animal Day: Which Is Your Favorite? (VIDEO, PICTURES)
World Animal Day: Which Is Your Favorite? (VIDEO, PICTURES)

World Farm Animals Day: Is The Urban Chicken Movement Right For You? October Is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month! Learn Where To Go To Adopt Your New Best Friend (VIDEOS) · International Raccoon Appreciation Day: Mischievous Bandit, Environmentalist, ...

Rescued Blind Cows Form Sweet Friendship After Years In Dairy Industry (VIDEO)
Rescued Blind Cows Form Sweet Friendship After Years In Dairy Industry (VIDEO)

Sweety and Tricia are two beautiful, gentle blind cows who, after spending years in the cruel dairy cow industry, were slated to be slaughtered when they were no longer needed. But when Farm Sanctuary learned of their plight, they brought them home to ...

Chickens Keeping Warm: Woman Knits Sweaters For Chickens (VIDEO)
Chickens Keeping Warm: Woman Knits Sweaters For Chickens (VIDEO)

Nicole Congdon and her mother Ann are knitting brightly colored tank top style chicken sweaters for the battery hens coming off the factory farms. Nicole herself has adopted 30 former battery chickens and knows that they get cold with their feather ...

October 2, 2024 is also Poetry Day